What are you trying to achieve?
- Join the GMC Specialist Register as a Diagnostic Radiologist
- Become a consultant in diagnostic radiology
What is an ARCP?
ARCP: Annual Review of Competence Progression.
The ARCP is an e-portfolio based process, which examines the evidence contained within the Specialty Trainee’s (StR) portfolio. The StR is not usually present for the ARCP assessment, but we normally try to see each StR for a half hour following the formal assessment. This session is essentially an appraisal, to review the previous year’s achievements, and make plans for the forthcoming year.
The ARCP is organised by Education & Programme Manager for Radiology, and usually takes place near the end of each year of training, usually face to face in late May/June/early July. with portfolio reviews prior to your face to face. There are sometimes follow up ARCP's for invited trainees only and you will receive an email if you need to attend.
All ARCPs are put on the website as Events with a sign up sheet for trainees to choose the most appropriate time (AM or PM).
2024/5 ARCP Dates
- 19th September 2024 (single ARCP for a trainee)
- 15th December 2024 - 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m
- 6th February 2025 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- 5th June 2025 - Portfolio Review Day (all trainees)
- Kaizen to be updated by two weeks prior to all the above dates
Post ARCP and Career Development Discussion
- 12th June 2025 Feedback for ST4/ST5 and some ST1-3 Trainees
- 18th June 2025 - Feedback ST1-3 Trainees
All ARCPs will now be held in absentia, trainees not required to attend as panels will meet remotely via Microsoft Teams.
Feedback will be given to trainees afterwards so please ensure we have your up to date mobile number for contact.
There are minimum targets and standards from the Royal College of Radiologists specified in the 2010 curriculum, which are reproduced on the following pages of this menu. The main exception from the minimum standards is that we expect each StR to complete a minimum of two mini-IPX and two DOPs every three months during modular training. In practice it is anticipated that most StRs will complete more than two of each.
All trainees are required to submit a Form R even whilst on maternity leave or out of programme.
If you are out-of-programme, you still need to submit a Form R and a copy of your OOP approval (and upload a current CV). This way we know that you are still alive at least (and therefore might return expecting a job!).
OOPT - you need to submit the same documents as if you were in a training post because your training will not count unless you have a satisfactory ARCP (you will get an ARCP outcome 3 if you don't submit anything). From August 2013 if you have declared on your form R additional scope of practice work a "Wider Scope of Practice" form must be submitted for each episode, you can download forms by following the link: Wider Scope of Practice
OOPR - you need to submit a report from your research supervisor - this can be brief, again we need to know that you are using the time productively. If there is a clinical component to the OOPR (i.e. you are expecting some of the time to count towards clinical training), then we will need a clinical supervisor's report and the usual WPBAs, etc.From August 2013 if you have declared on your form R additional scope of practice work a "Wider Scope of Practice" form must be submitted for each episode, you can download forms by following the link: Wider Scope of Practice
OOPC and OOPE - please submit a progress report (you can use the OOPE and OOPC application forms or just a letter) and your intended return date.
If there are any changes to your plans for OOPR, OOPC, OOPE, OOPT (e.g. an extension), you will need to submit a supplementary application (using the relevant application form).From August 2013 if you have declared on your form R additional scope of practice work a "Wider Scope of Practice" form must be submitted for each episode, you can download forms by following the link: Wider Scope of Practice