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Posted September 8th 2023 (2 years ago)


Dr Katharine Lewis, Consultant Radiology in Taunton has been appointed as TPD for the Rotations (replacing Tim Saunders). 



Posted September 8th 2023 (2 years ago)

New Email for School of Radiology

With the migration of HEE emails to the Severn School of Radiology have a new email address: 

Posted October 3rd 2022 (2 years ago)

New TPDs

New TPDS Clinical Radiology


Dr Will Loughborough (RUH) – starting ASAP to replace David Little  as TPD and will be responsible for regional teaching amongst other things.

Dr Tarryn Carlsson (NBT) – currently on maternity leave, but will replace Tim Saunders in March 2023. Tim will stay on in the meantime.


I am really excited at the prospect of working with Will, Tarryn, Tim, Sue, Rebecca and all of you to create the best radiology training scheme!



David Little

Head of School of Radiology 

Posted September 13th 2021 (4 years ago)

Clinical Radiology Exams

The next sitting for the FRCR 2A exam will be held on 17th November 2021. Applications will open on 23rd September, you can find a list of application opening CR2A dates and fees online.

The next sitting for the FRCR 2B exam will be held on 5th November 2021, which however is not currently being conducted in the UK.

The next date for the CR2B exams will be March 2022 (UK venues). You can find a list of CR2B dates and fees on our website


Posted December 2nd 2020 (4 years ago)

Clinical Radiology -Deanery Wide Teaching

Deanery-Wide Teaching


As of August 2020, the deanery-wide teaching in Severn Radiology is all being delivered virtually. This consists of 30-40 half day sessions, predominantly on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, spread throughout the academic year with break weeks around school holidays. The sessions will be delivered over WebEx, and links for sessions will be provided to the trainees by the Teaching Team.


Trainees are welcome to attend any session, but alternate weeks will be aimed at the “Junior” (ST1/2) or “Senior” (ST3+) streams. Each pair of half day sessions will be themed, and we aim to cover as much of the RCR Curriculum as possible, with some sessions focussed on subspecialties e.g. neuroradiology, and others on professional skills e.g. leadership & management, research and career planning. Sessions will be delivered by consultants and senior trainees from around the region, with some talks also delivered by Radiology educators from other parts of the UK. Past speakers have included the RCR President, Dr Jeanette Dickson and Dr Tricia Woodhead, Associate Director for Patient Safety at the West of England Academic Health Science Network.


The sessions are deanery-mandated teaching days. Trainees are expected to attend unless on annual leave, nights, on-call etc. Recordings of some sessions will be available for a limited time afterwards for those unable to make it on the day. Trainees should apply for study leave for the sessions, as per local process, and be mindful of their local rota requirements. Each stream will have 15-20 half days per year, equalling 7.5-10 full days of study leave out of a trainee annual allowance of 30 days.


Each local hospital site will have a Teaching Representative, who will be responsible for booking rooms, providing tech support, recruiting speakers and chasing feedback. The deanery has also provided webcams and conference speakers to each hospital site.


The Teaching Team will be collating feedback for the speakers as well as feedback about the organisation of the programme and planning of the sessions, in order to help with iterative development as the year goes on.


If you have any further questions about the deanery teaching programme, please contact the Teaching Team:


Remaining Online Teaching for 2020

9 December 2020 - ST1 & ST2 Junior Stream Teaching - Nuclear Medicine, 12.30-5.00pm

16 December 2020 ST3+ Senior Stream Teaching - Nuclear Medicine, 12.30-5.00pm

16 December 2020 All Registrars Teaching - My Experience as a Deputy Medical Director by Dr R Graham, Head of School, 12.30-1.15pm

Posted November 30th 2020 (4 years ago)

Clinical Radiology - Anatomy Teaching

Dr Paul McCoubrie is running anatomy sessions online for ST1 Specialty Registrars with six sessions over six weeks commencing Tuesday 5th January 2021.  These will be held every Tuesday on the following dates:


Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 9:00am.   

Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 9:00am

Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 9:00am

Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 9:00am

Tuesday 2th February 2021 at 9:00am

Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 9:00am


Please sign up on our Clinical Radiology events web page for the 5th January 2021. 


A link will be sent to you from Dr McCoubrie nearer the time to join the online sessions.  


Any queries please contact


Posted September 8th 2020 (5 years ago)

Clinical Radiology Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held virtually at 2pm on Tuesday 3 November 2020.  The link to join the meeting will be sent out nearer the time via email.

Posted August 19th 2020 (5 years ago)

Clinical Radiology - Regional Scientific Day

Update on Regional Scientific Day - This will now be held virtually via MS Teams or Zoom.  The date has been changed and will now be held on Wednesday 11 November 2020.  Further details will follow.

Posted October 2nd 2014 (10 years ago)

Exam Date

Spring FRCR Part 2b exam is Monday 9th March 2015.


Margaret Nesbitt

Secretary to Drs M Hawkins, A Imam & R Young
Radiology Department
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

01793 604926
01793 604795

Posted September 30th 2014 (10 years ago)

Application for Bursary's for ECR now open

details on RCR website RCR

Posted January 13th 2014 (11 years ago)

School Away-Day Conference

18th November 2014. Hold the date

Posted October 23rd 2013 (11 years ago)

School Away-Day

Radiology School Away-DayTuesday 5th November
Bristol Hilton Hotel, Bradley Stoke

Posted April 30th 2013 (12 years ago)

Mock FRCR Part 2b - 23rd September 2013, limited places available


Margaret Nesbitt
Secretary to Drs M Hawkins, A Imam & R Young Radiology Department Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Swindon SN3 6BB
Tel: 01793 604926
Fax: 01793 604795

Posted April 10th 2013 (12 years ago)

Welcome to Dr Mark Callaway

The School of Radiology and the Postgraduate Deanery would like to congratulate and  welcome Dr Mark Callaway as the Head of School for Radiolopgy in Severn.

We bid a sad farewell to Dr Gavin Stoddart and thank him for all his efforts and support over the last years. Thank you and good luck

Posted October 16th 2012 (12 years ago)

ST2-3 Teaching

Wednesday 17th October afternoon ST2-3 Teaching postponed

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