Clinical Radiology - Roentgen Travelling Professor Visit 2020

Category: Conference - Other

Date: February 26th 2020 1:00pm until 6:00pm

Location: Dining Room & Seminar Room, Postgraduate Medical Centre, Zone B, Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Combe Park, BATH , Bath BA1 3NG

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Roentgen Travelling Professor Visit 2020


To be held on Wednesday 26th February 2020 

At the Postgraduate Medical Centre, Royal United Hospital, Bath 


Professor Tom Turmezei is an MSK Radiologist from Norwich who is the RCR Roentgen Professor.

He is an academic who has a particular interest in osteoarthritis. 

He is widely published and was previously an editor of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine.

The afternoon includes a range of activities which will be of high-quality and very interesting.




2-2:30        Trainee Research Career Talk 

2:30-4:00   Workshop (will include a break in the middle at 3:15) 

                  Topic TBC (preparing presentations OR imaging analysis)

4:00-4:45   MSK-focused imaging analysis talk with discussion of potential ideas from the group

5:00-6:00   Open lecture ”The many applications of CT: a journey from osteoarthritis, through Ancient Egypt, to Gray’s Anatomy"


If you wish to attend this event, please sign up via the attendance form.   Consultants are very welcome to attend the Open Lecture from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.  Please note that if you do not receive a confirmation email immediately,  please email  or


Please bring a laptop with you if you can for the poster template exercise. 


Register to Attend