Clinical Radiology - ARCP ST5 & Those Invited
Category: ARCP Dates - Other
Date: May 19th 2020 8:30am until 5:00pm
Location: HEE, Severn PGME, Park House, 1200 Bristol Parkway North, Newbrick Rd, Bristol BS34 8YU
Clinical Radiology ARCPS for ST5 and invited trainees only will be held on 19th May in absentia and trainees will not be required to attend. The Portfolio Review for these dates (for which trainees are not required to attend is 5th May 2020)
The Portfolios will be reviewed on the 2nd June 2020 (Trainees are not required to attend)
Please ensure all your Educational Supervisor Reports are completed and submitted to your Kaizen E-Portfolio by 26th May 2020 if your ARCP is on 23rd June.
The Form R and Wider Scope of Practice need to be emailed to:
- by 26th May 2020
The portfolio needs to be submitted by 09:00am on 2nd June for the panel to review
If you are on maternity leave you do not need to have an ARCP until your return to work.