All day School teaching

Category: Training - Other

Date: January 13th 2016 9:00am until 2:30pm

Location: Deanery House BS16 1GW

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Interventional Radiology teaching day Weds 13th January

Southwest Deanery, Hambrook



0900       Head of Radiology training  Q+A                                Mark Callaway

0930       Introduction, Past Present and Future of IR         Neil Collin

1000       Hepatic intervention                                                      Mark Callaway

10.30     Coffee

1045       The ischaemic leg                                                             Alex Horsch

1115       Training and practice in mainland Europe              Alex Horsch

1130       Uterine fibroids, setting up a clinical service         Dominic Fay

1200       Private practice in IR                                                       Dominic Fay

1210       Lunch

1240       Aortic intervention                                                          Peter Mezes

1310       Intervention in Haemorrhage and Trauma            Graham Collin

1340       Renal Intervention                                                          Neil Collin

1410       feedback and Close



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